Book Worm

Posted: December 9, 2011 in Introduction

Reading is something which gives me pleasure. A man who is friends with books will never feel lonely. Books are real companion and a good hobby. Reading is like a never ending ocean, you keep traveling but never get to see the land, same way how much ever you read ,  there are still many books left to read. This is simple blog about the books I read. It will help me to keep a track on the books I read, and to others it will help to know about books.

So the journey of my reading begins……………. Hope you enjoy it. Feel free to comment and discuss about books which I will be mentioning about in future posts. Happy reading 🙂
  1. Manny says:

    All the best Sweet Heart.. Good Luck for your journey 🙂

  2. Manthan says:

    “This is simple blog about the books I read. It will help me to keep a track on the books I read”

    Very true words. From college days i used to read, but today when i turn back and try recollecting the contents of my reading, i am almost blank. I forgot what i read. If reading is for time pass then i am out of it. Started liking the idea of making note of things what we read.

    Recently i read Aavarana by S L Bairappa. A must read book. i have my notes stored in.

    Thank u Deep’s


  3. Deepika says:

    Thanks for your comments.. I used to read from my school days but used to forget the names of the books. Finally got a place to share my reading and a way to remember. I am happy that you stopped by and shared your thoughts 🙂

    Please let me know about the books you read and always feel free to comment and suggest..

    Thanks Manthu..

  4. I feel like you Deepika, books are my friends forever 🙂 No day passes without reading. At the moment I am reading three books, all different but all enjoyable for various reasons :
    Eckart Tolle “L’Art du calme intérieur” – Ansel Adams “An Autobiography” – Gladys-Marie Fry, “Stitched from the Soul, Slave Quilts from the Antebellum South”. All different, all fascinating.
    Happy New Reading Year 🙂

  5. Deepika says:

    Thanks for your comment..:) I have the same feeling that books are best friends forever. You are reading three books together!! I am amazed how can you manage?
    I finished ” Girls Of Riyadh” today. Dunno what to read next as I have a big list of books waiting 🙂
    Happy New Reading year for you too 🙂 🙂

  6. Aarean says:

    I so look forward to hearing what books you like…I am sort of at a loss as to which book to read next…:-)

  7. TLS says:

    Ooooh, like this blog a lot.
    What are your top three favourite books? I love reading other people’s recommendations, the book is so much better when you know someone else has enjoyed it, haha 🙂
    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  8. Deepika says:

    I always face tough time deciding whats my favorite color, book. food and dress.. Its hard when u like so many things together 🙂 For time being my favorite books are- ” The kite runner”, ”thousand splendid suns” and ”The last song”. I am glad that you visited my blog! Thanks

  9. TLS says:

    Hehe, don’t worry I’m completely the same. 🙂 Thank you – I’ll take a read! 🙂 x

  10. andy1076 says:

    Books take you to places even before you leave your room, can’t get better than that right? 🙂

  11. aseemrastogi2 says:

    The happiness and satisfaction you get in reading something which you like, its unrivaled. Reading and writing gives one that kind of creative high which I doubt many activities would.

  12. paikochan says:

    thanks for like 🙂

  13. Thanks for the like on our blog about the Dead Celebrity Cookbook. Your blog is wonderful and opens up a whole new level of literature. Keep reading and keep writing. Warm wishes.


  14. manojuchila says:

    Hello, I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. You have got wonderful blog here. See my recent post for the nomination 🙂

  15. TLS says:

    I’ve nominated you for two awards; The Versatile Blogger and The Kreative Blogger awards! If you’d like to read why I chose you, and pass it on to your own favourite blogs, please go to

    Versatility and Creativity Awards!

    Congratulations! 🙂

  16. ozreading says:

    Fantastic! What isn’t there to love about reading! Hope you enjoy your journey.

  17. TLS says:

    Have you read Before I Go To Sleep by S J Watson? It’s SUCH a good book, I just finished it. One of those books you literally cannot put down, you’re desperate to know the ending! If you haven’t read it already, you must! I think you’d enjoy it. 🙂 I’d reccomend just reading it though, without looking at any reviews first, as more than likely you’ll spoil some parts of the book, people are very careless in reviews sometimes. I figured since you review and recommend books so often to others, you might want someone to recommend one to you. 🙂

    • Deepika says:

      Thanks a lot 🙂 I am happy that someone recommended a book to read. I will surely read it. I know some reviews will spoil the story for readers. I have started to read reviews before reading a book nowadays, think I should stop it!
      Thanks again 🙂

  18. explorergarden says:

    What a great idea for a blog. For years I tried to keep a list of what I had read, since I read so much, but always give it up. Among my favorite books are What is the What? Slumdog Millionaire, Les Miserables, and David Copperfield.

  19. Balu says:

    If I continue reading your blog, I would stop going to office and start reading the books that you mention in your posts 🙂 You describe about books very well…

    Do you write books?
    Share it If you already have written or start writing one soon.

    Happy reading, blogging and writing.
    Wonderful blog!!

    • Deepika says:

      I am honored by your kind words 🙂 I dont write books, I tried but never got enough patience to write one. I will surely share if I write. I am glad that you find my reviews interesting and helpful.
      Thanks 🙂

  20. I am in total agreement with your post…Great read here as well…Bev B

  21. Nikhil Jain says:

    Happy reading mam!

  22. Moi says:

    You have a wonderful blog. Next time I catch myself wondering about what to read, I am pretty sure, I’d drop in (I can see you have more than 60 books here, half of which I might not have read at all). Nothing like a book to give you company.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. All the best with yours 🙂

  23. mashashin says:

    It’s a good idea to keep track of what you read and share wth others) I do the same but with photos, keeps me motivated and gives me a clear picture of what I’ve done and how I progress. Thanks for visiting and liking one of my posts) Good luck with books!

  24. manojuchila says:

    Hi… I have nominated you for ABC Award. If you are interested to do the needful things & pass the award to another fellow blogger. Please visit to Congrats!!!

  25. Polish Me Up says:

    You’ve picked an awesome journey! I wish I had more time to read books not related to school!

  26. manojuchila says:

    Hi.. I have nominated you for ”Sunshine Award” and many more awards. Please visit to: to check the details. Congrats 🙂

    • Deepika says:

      Thanks a lot. I am getting lot of awards from you. I am really honored and thanks once again for considering me suitable for these awards 🙂

  27. easyondeyes says:

    Hi.. thanks a lot for visiting our blog and liking it. Looks like we are on the same page in terms of our likes! Happy reading and happy writing, Enjoy! 🙂

  28. Dhiraj Kumar says:

    nice blog indeed. you are a very prolific reviewers.

    I have written a book on social networking. Can you write a review on this.


  29. StetotheJ says:

    Great post, fantastic blog, I shall be spending a lot of time on here.

  30. manojuchila says:

    Hi… I have nominated you for some blog awards. If you are interested to do the needful things & pass the awards to another fellow blogger. Please visit to
    Congrats 🙂

  31. We kindly thank you for following our blog. Now that our blog has garnered some accolades, we are no longer hosted at We are now hosted on our website,

    To continue the inner muse journey together, please subscribe to our new blog at

    We are also now microblogging on a few other websites. You can follow our Tumblr by subscribing to, and you can follow our tweets at Let us know how we can support you on your quest as well 🙂

    You can also find us on Facebook and do a LIKE on our page, and if we haven’t done a LIKE on Facebook let us know and we will happily reciprocate.

    I look forward to seeing you on all of our new sites, and thank you for all of your support.

  32. Thanks for the like. What you’ve said about keeping track of what you’ve read, rings the same for me. Its pretty much the point of my own blog. Will go thru ur posts for books to read. Good luck!

  33. What a great idea:)! I`ll sure remember to keep an eye on your blog:))

  34. Ajith m P says:

    Hi Deepika…
    Its wonderful…I am also like this blog sketches. My wishes and waiting for new reviews….
    Ajith m p

  35. Hi and thank you for stopping by my blog Karen’ s Different Corners. Since you are a reader, I’d love to hear what you look for in a cover.

  36. Netra says:

    Hi this is Netra here….I am an avid reader too..Started reading too late, I mean i used to see my sister collecting n number of non-fiction books and i used to feel fascinated when I used to scan through the book lying in her shelf..i too started buying a few books and developed a habit of reading…I read all kinds of books from fiction to non.fiction to biographies. One of my favourites is Collected Short Stories by Ruskin Bond.

    I Liked you idea of writing and keeping a track of whatever u have read till now…..I mean its an amazing idea….

    Keep posting about more n more books u read!!!


    • Deepika says:

      Hi Netra, I am glad that you visited my blog and found it interesting. I too have the habit of collecting books. But I don’t read much of non fiction.Hope you will enjoy reading my reviews..

  37. manojuchila says:

    Hi there! I’ve nominated you for ‘2012 – Blog of the Year Award’. If you are interested to do the needful things & pass the award to another fellow blogger. Please visit to … Congrats!!!

  38. kirstywales says:

    Hey I love your blog and Im sure others will too thats why ive nominated you for a liebster award for the rules click here Congratulations


    If you like books that will keep you entertained from beginning to end. I recommend these links to this book! A true literary masterpiece and if you don’t think so let me know we can see what we can work out!

  40. looking forward to the books you will be writing about.

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